Please plan to stay after the worship service on Sunday, January 26th, for a brief congregational meeting to adopt the 2025 church budget.
Mark your calendars for the next Bible Study of the video series, The Chosen. This Bible Study will meet each Thursday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. for 8 weeks beginning on Thursday, February 6 and ending on Thursday, March 27.
Season 4 of The Chosen depicts scenes from the 3rd and final year of Christ’s ministry, including a Hanukkah celebration, additional healings and miracles including the healing of the centurion’s son and the raising of Lazarus from the dead, as well as increasing hostility from both the Roman leaders and the chief priests and rulers of the Israelites. The season concludes with Jesus heading toward Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Passover celebration, and the Last Supper and The Passion.
See Tom Carpenter for more info.
The Youth will be going Snow Tubing at ZIP-N-SLIP in Mars Hill, NC, on February 7th from 5:15PM – 10:15PM.
See Mike fore more info.
The Youth will be collecting donations and canned goods for the 2025 Souper Bowl of Caring following the worship serice on Sunday, February 9th.
Mark your calendars for the High School Retreat at Bonclarken – March 7-9, 2025.
Mark your calendars for the Middle School Retreat at Bonclarken – March 21-23, 2025.
The Western North Carolina Quilter’s Guild will start meeting in January on the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 9:00AM – 1:00PM. Bring your own lunch and a non-perishable food item fore the IAM donation basket.
A few more volunteers are needed to help with the after worship coffee and cookie fellowship. A sign-up sheet is located on the refreshment table.
The Greeter Team is always looking for new people to help on Sunday mornings. If you can say, “Welcome to church! We are so glad you are here!” to everyone who enters the church building, you’re qualified! Speak to Jane Kennedy to sign up.
On the bulletin board outside the sanctuary is a sign up sheet to provide flowers for the worship service.